Bumble Bee Cottage

Bumble Bee Cottage

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

All change....

Toby and Sam both won their races at sports day so I have two very excited and rightly proud boys. Last day at pre-school for Toby tomorrow and Year 1 for Sam.

We have an appointment with a paediatrician tomorrow for Sam about his ongoing problems. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say.

I am now a school Governor for Hambledon Infant School - really pleased about that. I have started a cleaning business with 2 other Mums so we can earn a crust and not worry about child care and can all drop off and collect the kids from school. We have called ourselves The Cleaning Bags.

Sadly it has been decided that a MINI cooper really isn't big enough for a family of 4 and a mad spaniel so tomorrow I am off to collect a Mazda 5. I have to admit it will be great having sliding doors again and enough space to put the dog bed in the back on our regular trips up north and still seat 7 if we need to.